Hello there,
December is finally here and so are the frosty temperatures.❄️
Today's video is a cozy and comfy trigger compilation to help you get super relaxed and sleepy.
I did some soft fluffy mic scratching and brushing, tingly tapping and scratching, hand sounds and lots of chatty whispers.
Please snuggle up and I enjoy the video!
I hope you have a great day or night.
My nails are from https://www.etsy.com/shop/OutOfOrbitNails
00:00 Nail tapping, Hand sounds, Fluffy mic scratching
02:04 Lotion scratching, Tapping, Lotion sounds
04:38 Mic & face brushing
06:52 Gingerbread scratching & tapping
09:03 Nail tapping, Hand sounds, Fluffy mic scratching
09:54 Studded tumbler scratching
12:00 Fluffy mic scratching
#asmrforrelaxing #asmrforsleep #asmrcomfort #asmrtappingandscratching #asmrfluffymic #asmrwhispering
asmr asmr brushing asmr comfort asmr cozy asmr fluffy mic asmr for relaxing asmr for sleep asmr mic scratching asmr scratching asmr tapping asmr whispers