Hi everyone! Today I have a soothing video full of mic scratching with the fluffy mic cover along with some layered fluffy mic plucking and mic clamping sounds as well as whispers. This video is perfect to play in the background while you relax, nap, game or work. I hope this video gives you all of the tingles you need for relaxation and sleep!
00:00 Intro and mic scratching with whispers
05:42 Mic scratching no talking
11:30 Mic scratching with layered mic plucking and whispers
16:57 Mic scratching with layered mic plucking and no talking
22:47 Mic scratching with layered mic clamping and whispers
25:46 Mic scratching with layered mic clamping and no talking
29:38 Outro
Enjoy :)
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asmr asmr fluffy mic scratching asmr layered mic triggers asmr mic scratching fluffy mic scratching mic clamping mic plucking mic scratching mic scratching with whispers mic triggers scratching on fluffy mic cover slow mic scratching