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Sit back & relax for tonight's video, as I take lots of facial measurements to prepare you for surgery.
This video is filled with layered storm ambience, measuring you triggers, unintelligible whispers, personal attention & more!
Time Stamps:
00:00 Welcome my dear
01:19 Typing & asking you questions
06:15 Measuring you with different measuring tools
22:50 Thanks to my patrons!
Thank you to Jon Algar for their music "Magical Garden" which accompanies my end credits!
You can check out this and other soundtracks of theirs on Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/artists/jon-algar/
All music/sound effects are from Epidemic Sound & their associated artists:
Thank you to their community for a fantastic collection!
End graphics made in: https://www.canva.com/
#asmrmeasuringyou #asmrmeasuring #asmrmeasuringyourface #asmrroleplay #asmrtingles #asmpersonalattention #asmrsoothing #asmrforsleep #asmr #serenesleepasmr #asmrsoftspoken #asmrsurgery #asmrambience #asmrstorm #rainambience
asmr asmr measuring asmr measuring you asmr measuring your face asmr personal attention asmr serene asmr serene sleep ASMR sleep serene serene asmr serene sleep serene sleep asmr sleep Sleep ASMR sleep serene