Hey y'all! This ASMR role play compilation features four of my most viewed videos for 2024. The include lots of personal attention, soft speaking, gloves, measuring, and lots of ASMR medical exam triggers. For time stamps and links to the original versions of each video, please scroll down.👇
Please note that this video was prescheduled and I am currently on a short sabbatical. July and August will mostly be compilations and alternate (or extended) versions of previously published videos. I shouldn’t be gone for too long, though—the ten year anniversary of this channel is coming up in September, and of course, I want to be back with you for that.💚
✨I am not sure to what extent I will keep up with comments, messages, emails, etc., during the break. If you reach out and I don’t respond, please don’t take it personally, and know that I’m looking forward to seeing y’all again soon!
I hope this video helps you to tingle, relax, and drift away to sleep!
For the best ASMR experience, please use headphones or earbuds.
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►Patreon: Viewer contributions are a huge help in allowing me to create regular, high quality content. If you’d like to help support my channel and get perks like ad-free viewing, early access, and more, please check out my Patreon page.
00:00 ASMR Insomnia Extraction for Deep Sleep
48:47 ASMR Ear Exam: How Much Otoscope Can You Handle? (Otoscope Endurance Phase 2)
1:30:01 ASMR | Measuring You for Science!
2:08:23 ASMR Medical Massage: Realistic, Thorough Checkup & Massage with Gloves
ASMR Insomnia Extraction for Deep Sleep
ASMR Ear Exam: How Much Otoscope Can You Handle? (Otoscope Endurance Phase 2)
ASMR | Measuring You for Science!
ASMR Medical Massage: Realistic, Thorough Checkup & Massage with Gloves
►Remember, ASMR is awesome, but it's not a substitute for professional care. If you have mental or emotional health concerns, please see a mental health professional. If the first person you speak to isn't a match, keep looking! You deserve good health.
If you need help with mental health concerns:
(U.S.) http://www.mentalhealth.gov/
(U.K.) http://www.mind.org.uk/
(Australia) http://mhaustralia.org/
(New Zealand) http://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/
►DONATIONS: Y'all, there is NO pressure to donate; I love making these videos, and your views, likes, and comments mean the world to me. If you do wish to make a Paypal donation, though, please know that gifts of any amount are gratefully accepted and super helpful.
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=99Z72R5EPW9H8&lc=US&item_name=JB%20Green¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
►JBG bean logo by Andrew Bargeron for Gimetzco.com