ASMR 8 New Triggers to Keep You Tingling 🔮 Experimental Sounds, Deep Crinkles, Wood & More 💙1 Hour

发表 5年前

#ASMR #Tingles #ASMRMagic
Hello 💙 For this ASMR session I have 8 or so new items that I've not used before, some of which are a little experimental and others are variations of classic sounds such as crinkles & scratching sounds :) I've put the most experimental or potentially most abrasive sounds first, so that you can skip them easily if you prefer the more classic ones :) I hope you enjoy and get some tingles or just some relaxation from this. Many thanks for watching ~ Rhi ✨💙 xoxo


00:01 - 02:08 - Preview

02:09- 04:50 - Fluffy overload and whispering

04:51 - 14:15 - Ocean drum. Sticky & crackling kind of sounds. Sounds a bit like gently breaking ice

14:16 - 19:54 - Wooden instrument. Unusual scratchy sounds & a little tapping

19:55 - 30:13 - Crinkly bath pillow. Deep crinkles, some slight sticky sounds & a little bassy scratching

30:14 - 40:38 - Wood bark. Lots of varied scratching, both bassy & crisp sounds

40:39 - 51:30 - PVC glitter filled beach ball. Crinkles, fingertip tapping (fast & slow) & glitter ‘rain’ sounds

51:31 - 59:52 - Pink silicone squishy ball. I don’t know how to describe these sounds, slightly bassy & squishy & hollow?! 😝

59:53 - 1:12:03 - 2 Glass liquid orbs (thumbnail) Liquid shaking & bubbling sounds, with some mesmerising visuals & some fluffy sounds

1:12:04 - End - Textured iridescent notebook. Tapping & scratching with the claw gloves

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❤️ Love, ASMR Magic xoxo

I wonder if any of you read this far down into the description? What's your favourite trigger? How are you doing today/tonight? :)


amsr asmr asmr for tingles asmr magic asmrmagic asrm binaural relaxation crinkles crinkling cure tingle immunity deep ear sounds Experimental ASMR fall asleep fluffy mics fluffy windshields liquid sounds long video New Triggers one hour satisfying sounds scratching sleep sticky sounds tingles water sounds whispering wood sounds
