ASMR Counting and Hand Movements w/ Background Rain Sounds

Murmuring Moon ASMR
发表 3年前


Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

Personal attention is one of my favorite triggers, so I thought I would give it a try with some hand movements and counting. I originally counted up to 100 and then back down to 1, but of course I missed a number (😅) when counting back down and did not realize until editing, so I cut it off at counting up to 100.

Hopefully you enjoy this. Leave me a comment if you desire and let me know what you think I should try next.

Things I need to work on still:

- background noises
- my breathing (you can really hear it at times)
- not laughing randomly throughout the video (🤣😂- I film these videos at around 1 AM and every video I make so far I laugh at some point about something NOT FUNNY AT ALL. Normally I can edit these out, but you'll see some that I had to keep in to do consecutive counting. I guess I'm just a little giggly at 1 AM.)

I hope you all have a goodnight! 😴

Until next time! 💜💜💜💜💜

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