💄♻️hi my sunshine confetti!♻️💄
i am so happy to see your beautiful face today :) thank you so much for being here! lately, i have been inspired to live a more sustainable lifestyle, and while i have a looooong way to go, i wanted to try some zero waste and sustainable makeup!! i loved this brand and the products soooo freaking much. i will link the etsy shop where i found them below:
if you have any tips, tricks or advice to be more sustainable, please share them in the comments!! i would love to learn more :)
i hope you have a freakin' fabulous day! please know i am always proud of you and always here for you!
please feel free to reach out:
♻️💄emai: [email protected]
♻️💄instagram: hannahconfetti
♻️💄PO BOX:
hannah confetti
5959 royal lane suite 539 #670886
dallas, texas 75230
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