tattoo tour ASMR tingly voiceover + tracing

V I K' S A S M R
发表 4年前


Hello my fellow Sleepyheads!

Before saying anything else, I want to say a huge thank you for joining our channel and would like to welcome the new members. I appreciate every single one of you! You da bessttt:)

So yeah, about the vid ahhah...let me just say that I very much ENJOY tattoo tour videos here on YouTube, whether it is ASMR or not. The problem is, I don't have any tattoos whatsoever, but I wanted to create a similar type of video, with some tracing and kind of like over explaining, while you Guys can get to know me a little bit better. So I grabbed a couple of our kids tats from our childhood and put them on. Gotta do what you gotta do right? As I mention it in the video, the "meanings" are not totally made-up, I tried my best to match them to my personal thoughts and feelings. Sending you love - Vik❤️


