Hey beautiful people, thanks for clicking on this video! Sorry, I know this video looks like it was filmed on a potato.
I thought I'd have a go at one of my personal fave triggers: Setting and breaking the pattern 👏
I also used a few different triggers like tapping, gloves and hand sounds but let me know if you preferred a certain trigger. 💗
0:00 Intro, hand sounds
0:49 Lotion, hand sounds
1:10 Start of setting and breaking the pattern
2:50 Cork coaster tapping
5:37 Pleather case
7:34 Scissors
9:52 Comb
11:51 Hair gel bottle
14:34 Glove sounds
19:13 Glove tapping - cork coaster
21:17 Glass jar
24:06 little purse
25:51 Moisturizer bottle, lid sounds, grasping
29:05 Wine book
31:30 Goodbye and camera tapping
asmr asmr camera tapping asmr fast aggressive asmr fast aggressive tapping asmr fast tapping asmr glove sounds asmr glove tapping asmr grasping asmr hand sounds asmr hand sounds visual triggers asmr lid sounds asmr setting and breaking asmr setting and breaking the pattern asmr tapping camera tapping hand sounds glove sounds setting and breaking the pattern