🌀EXTREMELY Hypnotic Echo Tunnel For Deep Sleep 🌀 ASMR Whispers & Theta Binaural Beats

Olivia Kissper
发表 6年前

Fall to sleep and stay asleep by watching this hypnotic tunnel with soft whispers and layered whispers, with theta binaural music and water sounds.
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Olivia Kissper Msc. Transpersonal Psychology & Intuitive Mentor: Over the past two decades of study, travel, consciousness exploration, workshop facilitation, coaching and working with the best mentors, I developed a powerful activating system that will transform intense fears and limitations so you can finally experience freedom in any area of your life. Ready to dive deep?

Watch a full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL19uppI9gs

NEW: https://www.instagram.com/kissperolivia/

Meditations for Healing Trauma and Anxiety: http://oliviakissperasmr.com/product/meditations-hypnotherapy-for-healing-trauma-and-anxiety/

Download My ASMR Day Activation Mindfulness Course App here: http://oliviakissperasmr.com/meditation/day-activation-mindfulness-course/

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Find out more about me: http://www.OliviaKissperASMR.com


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