Scalp Inspection ASMR - Loggerhead ASMR

Loggerhead ASMR
发表 3年前

Hello again for anyone who has known me before! Starting this channel once again after it being deleted the first time! I am slowly uploading my older videos (videos I have posted before on the old channel that got deleted) and have made sure to protect this account better than the last (so it doesn't get hacked again lol). Took a long and well deserved break after this last channel being gone so, I am now full of energy and ready to try again. So enjoy!

For customs : [email protected]

If you want to help out my channel or donate for any specific reason :

Trying to open my own animal rescue center with this YouTube channel, so check it out!


If you are new to my channel, welcome! My name is Aquarie and my channel is named after one of the many turtles that are on the endangered species list so, help protect the animals from going extinct by donating to one or some of the links in my about! I make a variety of videos here on my channel so make sure you browse through and see what interests you. Also, comment on any of my videos for any content you would like to see from me in the future :)
