☞ More trigger assortments → https://goo.gl/bBdma3
Here are all the triggers you will find in this video:
#1 2:57 - tapping on a plastic container + opening & closing the lid
#2 8:29 - playing with tin foil
#3 11:58 - going over a beaded jewelry box with a pencil and a brush
#4 17:21 - brushing my hand with a make up brush
#5 19:28 - playing with a block of post-its: paper and sticky sounds
#6 23:22 - a crinkly bag of rice
#7 26:32 - sounds of a hair brush + brushing my hair
#8 32:52 - turning pages of a magazine + some tracing
#9 39:19 - playing with jewelry
#10 43:07 - brushing the camera & tapping the lens with my fingers
#11 46:30 - close-up ear to ear whisper countdown
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3D anxiety asleep asmr ASMRrequests assortment autonomous binaural bob brush close up closing cranial ear face fastASMR feather feeling female gentlewhispering hair haircut hand head heather hypnosis insomnia lids massage meridian Mind nerve opening paint panic plastic play pleasurable pleasure relax relaxation response role roleplay ross scratching sensory sleep Sleeping soft sound spoken tapping thewaterwhispers tin foil tingle tingles to trigger triggers turning pages whisper стресс