♡ Hello and welcome to my channel! My name is Maddie and i'm a senior in highschool. I'm new here on YouTube and I can't wait to be apart of the ASMR community. I would also like to point out to anyone wondering, I do not wear makeup because I have severe contact dermatitis. When I wear even just mascara, my eyes and face break out in eczema (red patching dry skin). You can see it around my eyes in this video but please just stay positive :)
♡ In today's video, I thought I would do something that is really affecting our real world. I'm checking you for the Coronavirus! This video is not meant to offend anyone, I just thought it would be an interesting or entertaining video. There's lots of calming affirmations in the video telling you you are safe, and you need to keep social distancing. I hope you enjoyed today's video and please subscribe if you would like to see more!
asmr corona triggers