Would you rather???
Hey everyone and welcome back! First video with my new mic and I am loving it. I know I say it a million times in this video but thanks so much for almost 200 and for your patience with my random uploading schedule. I plan on posting more especially now that I have some new filming things that will hopefully help me to produce better videos for you guys :) With that being said, todays video I am playing would you rather, I saw Gibi and Edafoxx do videos like this and I really enjoyed them. You'll hear some nice whispers, tapping, and apple pencil sounds. If you would like a longer version let me know.
Also be sure to check out my community tab for any updates.
Hope you all have a good day and night- peypey
(Listen with headphones)
asmr Asmripad asmrtapping asmrwouldyourather