Namaste! Welcome to a very special edition of ASMR & Beer #10 where we review Stella Artois Belgium lager and then explore a variety of objects and their sounds in order to create a completely immersive, relaxing ASMR inducing experience. So put those headphones / earbuds on, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride on the relaxation train.
ASMR triggers:
Mouth sounds (lots of it early on in the video - see below)
8:30 Pouring beer
8:55 Sounds of beer foam
16:15 Hand rubbing
17:21 Staples
25:16 Crayons
32:24 Plastic bag
35:43 Painter's brush
40:42 Push Pins
47:36 Singing Bowl
54:26 Wax paper
59:55 Sleep countdown (missed a number, ha)
The binaural mics were somewhat positioned towards my inner ear (unbeknownst to me at the time), so that's probably why the sounds of my mouth are more prevalent early on in the video. I then adjusted the mics into the correct position and this pretty much eliminated those sounds. Either that, or it was due to my being very dry mouthed and the beer solved that problem. I don't know for sure.
Because I'm practically deaf in my left ear due to my acoustic neuroma, I no longer hear or enjoy binaural or stereo. So my editing process consists of flipping my headphones back and forth or moving all the audio from one channel to the other so I can review everything in my right ear. Hopefully everything comes out alright. If not, blame it on my benign evil twin.
Previous episodes:
Stella Artois:
Innis & Gunn Rum Cask:
Cerveja sagres:
Chimay Red:
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout:
Saranac Big Moose Ale:
Flying Dog Brewery Snake Dog IPA
Weyerbacher Old Heathen
Central Waters Satin Solstice
Stoudt's Pils - Bad
Stay calm and tingle on,
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asmr beer beer review beer sounds binaural binaural asmr binaural mics binaural sounds binaural triggers calming crinkly crinkly bag cutting mat drinking beer foam sounds mouth sounds plastic sounds pouring beer relaxation relaxing sleep sleep countdown soothing sounds of beer staples stella artois tapping tingles trigger sounds triggers was paper sounds wax paper