ASMR The Witch Saoirse & Making Black Salt

calliope whispers ASMR
发表 6年前

Greetings & salutations, my loves. It's been a hot second since The Witch Saoirse made an appearance, and this time we're cooking up a little magic together. If you've dabbled in witchcraft before, you may have heard of black salt as it is a common staple among those who practice witchcraft or hoodoo/voodoo (at least so I've heard, may be wrong on the hoodoo/voodoo). Come join The Witch Saoirse in her little apothecary, sit a spell, stay a while. I hope y'all enjoy & have a whale of a day.

Triggers in the video include: soft speaking, page turning, tapping, crackling, mortar & pestle, crushing, scraping, candle lighting, personal attention, crinkling foil, and much more.

Check me on the socials:
Twitter: @calliopewhisper
Instagram (my personal account, no ASMR content): calliope182

If you feel you wish to donate (but don't ever feel pressured to!):
However I am not currently going to do rewards or perks just due to my schedule, so if you aren't comfortable with donating without a reward, that is just fine :) The best type of support doesn't cost anything – your views, your likes, your subscribes – but if you want to contribute to new equipment/props, I would greatly appreciate it :)

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Thank you to my viewers, my like-button hitters, & my subscribers!

Thanks for watching!



asmr crackling crinkling Magic page turning personal attention relax relaxing role play rp scraping simulation sleep soft spoken spell tapping tingle tingly visual triggers witch
