Greetings & salutations, my loves. Welcome back to the Institute of Therapeutic Research for the fourth part of the ol' RASMRDSMR Experiment series. We are performing your physical examination to clear you for the actual experiment, covering your eyes, ears, mouth & all the good parts in between.
Sorry for some of the jumpy edits, I had a couple of odd goofs that just didn't cut well lmao
Triggers in this video include: soft speaking, whispering, personal attention, latex gloves, writing, tapping, pen clicking, blood pressure cuff, follow the light, & a little bit of tuning fork.
Check me on the socials:
Twitter: @calliopewhisper
Instagram (my personal account, no ASMR content): calliope182
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However I am not currently going to do rewards or perks just due to my schedule, so if you aren't comfortable with donating without a reward, that is just fine :) The best type of support doesn't cost anything – your views, your likes, your subscribes – but if you want to contribute to new equipment/props, I would greatly appreciate it :)
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Thanks for watching!
asmr blood pressure cuff ear to ear Follow the light Latex Gloves medical pen clicking personal attention roleplay rp simulation soft spoken stereo tapping tingle tingly Tuning Fork whispered writing