✨Christian ASMR ✨ Whispering The Book of Job - Part 1 (Chapters1-10)

发表 4年前

Heyyy everyone and welcome back!
I am so blessed this past week with all of your love and comments that you have been leaving me!
First things first I am praying for each and everyone of you! I pray you are all doing well and enjoying these videos!

I have decided to do a series on the book of Job! I remember reading this as a child and even preaching on Job in my childhood Church!

Job personally went through soooo much and I think his story is quiet inspiring.

Hope you all LOVE it as much as I do!

For the New Bible Here is the Link 👇🏼

ESV Student Study Bible: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1433556243/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_M8XJN7X33XMWM4V6G0BQ

For Daily Devotionals or Encouraging Videos with the word of God follow 👇🏼👇🏼

Pastor Gabriel Padilla: https://youtube.com/c/RealLittleGiant

Pastor Leoneida Padilla: https://youtube.com/c/LeoneidaPadilla

#ChristianASMR #biblereading #Scriptures #whispers #ASMR
