Hello everyone! Here is the second part of the video I made while sick---so there's no speaking in it (I am also a little tired in this video). I hope you get tons of tingles! As always, sorry about the copious amounts of editing, any audio lags, white noise, and troll cat interruptions. Happy Viewing!
Part 1 is here:
You can find me elsewhere on the internet:
Blog: http://heatherfeatherasmr.blogspot.com/
Bloopers: http://www.youtube.com/user/FeatherBrainedASMR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeathFeathASMR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathfeathasmr
Instagram: http://instagram.com/heatherfeatherasmr
Paypal account: I love making these videos, so regardless of donations, I will still be doing what I love---that said, any donations are greatly appreciated. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_s-xclick%26hosted_button_id%3DCCEB66PBJAYCJ&h=yAQG9J8aK
For those who need a quick fix:
0:33-9:26 OLD Pez Dispensers
9:43-18:44 Chalk Board and Chalk
19:08-25:45 Oil Candle/Potion Container
26:09-30:55 Super Heavy Hard Cover Book Tapping and Page Turning
31:07-35:43 Plastic Card Sleeve Pages Tapping and Page Turning
35:55-38:36 Faux Flowers
38:54-42:25 Belt Buckle
42:41-44:19 Bean Bag Soccer Ball
asmr Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response candle chalk chalk board feather Female Soft Voice ASMR glass heather Heather Feather ASMR just sounds no speaking page turning paper pez plastic potion pure sounds Relaxation Technique (Medical Treatment) scratching sleep tapping tingles Video for Anxiety Relief Video for Insomnia Video for Relaxation Video for Sleep writing