I couldn't find holiday stories, but I found some winter ones! We start out with a finding book while you're still awake ;) and then we move into facts about December holidays and finally a snow story. If repetition is your thing or the words snow/cold are triggers... the last story might do it for you.
2nd day of 13 Days of Christmas.
"Where Are They? Christmas Fun More Than 1,000 Fun Things to Search and Find" - Kidbooks Inc.
"Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia Holidays Around the World" -
Mega-Books of New York, Inc.
"Animals in the Snow" - Margaret Wise Brown (illustrations: Carol Schwartz)
Soft Talking
Tapping (different book surfaces! Charlie's was fun)
Page turning/flipped/crinkling
Repetition of snow/cold in last book
Please note I included several misspeaks/mess ups. This was intentional, as I think it adds to the reality of someone reading to you. Also, I don't know if there's an audiobook out there, but I'm not trying to compete with it. And this way you could still read the book and not have all my misreadings (like a new experience)!
I'm an amateur, learning witch! Any advice/spells/etc. are taken at your own risk, I am not responsible in any way. I am not responsible for any links provided.
12 days of addie asmr bedtime book books Christmas Cold flipping henson holiday holidays page read reading repetition snow soft talking sounds Stories story storytime Talking Tracing turning winter witch yule