ASMR video of me attempting an autumn make up look while rambling in a whisper including tapping, tongue clicks, and make up application sounds. Comment your Halloween plans and costume if you have โem ๐
Thanks for watching and remember to subscribe, like, and comment! Muah xoxo ๐
ASMRCHITCHAT asmrmakeupapplication asmrtongueclicking asmrwhisper asmr asmrgetreadywithme asmrgrwm asmrlongnailtapping asmrmakeup ASMRRamble asmrrummaging asmrtapping asmrtongueclicks asmrwhisperedchitchat asmrwhisperedramble Asmrwhispering autumnasmr FallASMR fallmakeup fallmakeuplook halloween LidSounds longnailsasmr longnailtapping makeuptapping rummagingsounds tapping tappingonmakeup tongueclicking tongueclicks upclose upcloseasmr whisperedchitchat whisperedramble whisperedvideo whispering