Hi! Today's video was originally supposed to be a counting you down from 1000 until you fall asleep but I lost count like 20 times so I decided to give up and improvise the rest of the video 😂
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00:00 Intro
00:01 counting down from 1000
03:18 colouring your face
07:35 improv begins I don’t know how to count lol
08:14 you have something fluffy in your eye
09:54 pink clothespin to pick the fluff out of your eye
11:25 blue clothespin to pick the fluff out of your eye
12:30 bright light to check your eyes really well
14:20 colour test with a koala to check ur eyesight
15:40 counting pizzas to check ur eyesight
16:44 spit painting your eye to get the fluff out
17:51 you’re overthinking - downloading ur thoughts into a hard drive
21:11 choose a snack from these Bulgarian snacks - this or that
24:29 short ramble
Nymfy x
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asmr you have something in your eye