asmr- crazy “bestfriend” kidnaps you 🔪

Mind Focus ASMR
发表 10个月前

this video is sm different than what i usually do, but my videos are doing so bad lately i decided to try something different 🤣 let me know what you guys think about this! it wasn’t really planned so i’m kind of all over the place but i did this last minute just because i needed a video up today. i hope all of you guys are doing okay! for those of you who were asking for updates about my car, my boyfriends grandpa got the starter replaced and now he’s working on the dash lights and radio. im hoping by the end of the summer i’ll be driving that car 🤣 i’m pretty sure i will be at this point though. super excited about that. i need to find a better filming spot bc i swear i have to like rearrange my room to film 😭🤣 it’s alright for now but it’s definitely kind of annoying to put it all back when i’m done filming. i hope you guys have an amazing day!



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