$10 off coupon code: TT10 at www.fabfitfun.com
Disclaimer: I’ve partnered with FabFitFun on this video. This is my impression of the FabFitFun box and all opinions are my own~!
Hello! Today were doing another unboxing! This is the summer box, and I absolutely loved it! I hope you enjoy the tapping and crinkle sounds! ~Thank you so much to those of you who have supported me and donated :) I appreciate you guys so much, so thank you! Please take care of your health~ Enjoy the video, and let me know any other videos you would like to see! Sweet dreams~ _____________________________________________________________
P A T R E O N: https://www.patreon.com/totallytori
T O T A L L Y T N T(First channel) ◦ https://www.youtube.com/user/TotallyTnT
S O C I A L M E D I A:
◦ Instagram: @torii.perez
◦ Snapchat: @totally.tnt
◦ Twitter: @toriperezz
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