ASMR | Learn To Flirt In Italian (Romantic Phrases) 🇮🇹

LullingLisa ASMR
发表 3年前

Hi and welcome to my ASMR channel!

In this video I have another learn Italian video, but in this one I teach you how to flirt in Italian using romantic and flirty phrases. This could also be a way of me teaching an Italian person English flirty phrases. With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I wanted to teach you Italian in a romantic and fun way. So here is how I think flirting in Italian would go. I take you by certain steps starting with more simple pick-up lines, and ways of asking someone out, and then we get a little more romantic and personal. I chose these flirty words and phrases to teach you today in Italian and English as well. Below you can find the timestamps to follow alone and see how the words are written, or to just refresh. So if you would like to learn to flirt in Italian, you have come to the right place! ♥️

Flirt in Italian / English Timestamps:

2:40 - Sei single? = Are You Single?
3:40 - Come è possibile che tu sia ancora single? = How is it possible that you are single?
4:35 - Stai frequentando qualcuno? = Are you seeing someone?
5:30 - Mi piaci. = I like you.
5:50 - Mi piaci davvero tanto. = I like you truly a lot.
6:20 - Mi piaci da morire. = I like you to death.
6:45 - Ho una cotta per te. = I have a crush on you.
7:40 - Ti piacerebbe uscire con me? = Would you like to go out with me?
8:15 - " " a cena = dinner
8:28 - " " al cinema = movies
9:20 - Ci possiamo incontrare per un caffè? = Would you like to meet for coffee?
10:35 - Posso offrirti da bere? = Can I buy/offer you a drink?
11:35 - Qual è il tuo numero di telefono? = What is your phone number?
12:35 - Ti penso sempre. = I think about you all the time.
12:59 - Sei sempre nei miei pensieri. = You're always on my mind.
13:14 - Non riesco a smettere di pensare a te. = I can't stop thinking of you.
14:11 - Dove sei stato tutta la mia vita? = Where have you been all my life?
14:59 - Sei Bellissimo/a = You're beautiful (m/f)
15:52 - Hai dei bellissimi occhi. = You have beautiful eyes.
16:30 - Ti voglio bene. = I care for you/I love you (friendly)
17:30 - Tu sei il mio destino. = You are my destiny.
18:19 - Vorrei tanto baciarti. = I would really like to kiss you.
18:52 - Mi sono innamorato/a di te. = I fell in love with you. (m/f)
19:25 - Ti amo. = I love you.
19:50 - Amore mio ti amo. = My love I love you.

Buon San Valentino! Happy Valentine's Day (soon)! ❤️

I hope this video taught you something new, or at least made you feel relaxed! If you enjoyed this video please give it a "thumbs up" and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more videos like this one! If you also turn on that notification bell you will be alerted to when a new video is posted on my channel. I also really love hearing from you in the comments down below. Your kind comments and words of encouragement really mean a lot to me, as do all of you :) I hope this video could lull you into a state of relaxation or even sleep... 💤 Thank you so much for watching!

Love: Lisa (@lullinglisa) - Insta & TikTok

Love: Lisa (@lullinglisa)


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