How to know if it’s ACTUALLY OCD “what if I’m different???” (Not ASMR)

* Superstar ASMR *
发表 1个月前

The key to knowing if you are experiencing OCD or not has nothing to do with the content of your fear, but rather the way you are responding to it! Is there compulsions you are doing to eliminate the uncertainty and fear you feel about an obsession? A couple of ways to know:

1. Are you repeating this thought process or action many times or do you feel the need to repeat it many times throughout day
2. Does this thought process (desire to figure things out) or action seem like it is urgent

If these 2 things are true then you are doing compulsions to escape anxiety, and you have OCD! This means ERP WILL work for you, don’t get caught up on the specific theme.

Be sure to check out NOCD as a great starting place to get help:

#ocd #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #pureocd #intrusivethoughts
