Jumping Timelines | Reiki ASMR | Shift Your Reality ✨

The Lightworkers Way
发表 1年前

Hello and welcome to my channel! ❤️✨

In this reiki asmr session I will be guiding you through tried and tested visualisations to jump timelines and shift your reality. This technique has really helped me to make some positive changes and receive gifts from the divine.

I will first introduce you to the visualisation method. I will then prepare the space and using plucking, pulling, sweeping, fluorite and black obsidian remove any negative energies or attachments. Following this I will help you to focus on the present moment bringing you into a state of peace and calm.

Below you will notice timestamps. In the video I will instruct you to click on your relevant timeline. Once the visualisation is over I will prompt you to click the ‘outro’ time stamp to finish the session.

Please carry out these visualisations one at a time, over the course of a week for maximum results. You may notice a change from the first timeline jump.


0:00 - Introduction
4:25 - Removing negative energy
12:45 - Bringing in peace and calm
17:43 - Timeline 1
23:20 - Timeline 2
26:14 - Timeline 3
28:38 - Timeline 4
30:30 - Timeline 5
32:00 - Timeline 6
34:15 - Timeline 7
36:39 - Outro
40:40 - End

To book a session with me: https://thelightworkersway-shop.company.site/products/search?keyword=sessions

** NOTICE: 📝 I will never reach out asking for money or offering a service! I will also never reach out or message you on any social media platform. The links to my TikTok and Instagram accounts are my ONLY accounts. **

** Please note: that reiki is not intended as a cure or a replacement for medical treatment. However it is an excellent complimentary treatment alongside conventional medical care. If you have any health concerns please consult your doctor. **

Subscribe to my channel:


Instagram: https://instagram.com/rachel_lightworkersway?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lightworkersway?_t=8bjbxV3QYJu&_r=1

SHOP MY AMAZON STOREFRONT: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/thelightworkersway?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_aipsfshop_aipsfthelightworkersway_9TAQ4P4J9NSBV16DFQYF


Music Credits:

Aurora: https://youtu.be/Ct44WnxlPC0?si=6-KddXqLcBLNu0Cc

Forever Sunrise: https://youtu.be/9Xndx7nhGAs?si=lxXuKY3ho8w3nxKm

Both songs by the incredibly talented Jonny Easton: https://youtube.com/@JonnyEaston?si=6VZPjc6h5yo-nS_T

I am a certified angelic healer with The Angelic Reiki Association, certified Angel Healer with The Centre of Excellence and an Angel Reiki Master accredited by the International Association of Therapists https://iaoth.com/

I am also a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master combining Usui and Tibetan reiki.

This video was created for relaxation and entertainment purposes only. For more information about ASMR please click the following link: * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASMR

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