ASMR Dollar Store Halloween Haul! (tapping, whispers, scratching for sleep)

melissadenise ASMR
发表 3年前

Hi friends!🎃
I know I didn't post last week, i'm sorry!😫 I was out of state visiting my family and we decided to stay longer than originally planned but I'm back and ready to continue posting for you!😊 In today's video I wanted to show you a mini Halloween dollar store haul on things that I bought to decorate around my house, I hope you like them!👻
Looking back I realized I said the word "cute" over a hundred times to describe each item, I'm sorry😂
I hope you're all staying safe, happy and healthy!!💙



asmrcommunity asmrsounds asmrtriggers personalattention asmr asmrtrigger asmrvideo brainmelt braintriggering crinkles decorations dollarstore halloween halloweendecorations halloweenhaul handsounds inaudible inaudiblewhispering nap negativeenergy OddlySatisfying pluck pluckingaway pumpkin relax relaxation relaxing Satisfying scratching sleep sounds tapping tingles trigger triggers videoplaylist whisper whispers whispersforsleep आराम करें नींद फुसफुसाना 音フェチ
