1:46 ~ 23:02 기초화장 바르기 (Skin and lotion applying)
23:03 ~ 31:59 피부화장 바르기 (Foundation applying)
32:00 ~ 35:07 눈썹 바르기 (Eyebrow makeup applying)
35:08 ~ 45:40 눈화장 하기 (Eye makeup applying)
45:41 ~ 48:28 입술 바르기 (Lip makeup applying)
48:29 ~ 51:42 컨투어링,하이라이터,블러쉬 (Contour, highlight, blush)
51:43 ~ 1:01:07 머리하기 (Curling Hair)
안녕하세요 여러분~!^^
오늘은 제가 매일 하는 화장법과 머리하는 법을 가지고 왔습니다 ㅎㅎ
조금씩 늘어가는 화장법을 보여드리려고 가져왔는데
왜 오늘따라 쌩얼상태가 쥭음인지..........
리얼스킨 물광앰플도 쓰고 있눈뎅 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
여러분들 눈을 보호해드리고 싶은데
편집하면서 정말 놀랬어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
구독자 여러분들 이거 보고 절 떠나지 말아주세요 흑흑
한시간 반 동안 찍으면서 갸또 때문에 정말 많이 힘들었어요 ㅠㅠ
편집도 힘들었고 ㅜㅜ 그래서 여러분들이 더 좋아해주셨으면 좋겠네요 ㅎㅎ
한시간동안 수다도 정말 많이 떨었어요 ㅋㅋ
아는 언니가 화장하면서 수다떤다 생각하시고
재밌게 시청해주세요!
그럼 모두모두 안녕히 주무세요~^^
Goodevening everyone~!
Today I brought you doing hair & makeup video :)
I made some English roleplaying and it will be uploaded tomorrow!
Hope you guys like this video as well
my raw face isn't as pretty as when I had a make up on..
Hope you guys doesn't get disappointed :(
While filming this video my cat was sooo naughty
I had to edit the video so many times
it was really hard time for me
so I hope you guys like this video as much I put efforts into this :)
Thank you so much for watching again!!
Please be sit back and relax as you watch this video
Have a great night!
Thanks to "Epicane" for English subtitles
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Facebook : Soy ASMR
asmr asutonomous sensory meridian responce Binaural Enthusiast camera brush cute korean dummy head Ear Cleaning inaudible whispering korean asmr Kpop Makeup mic brush scratching soy asmr whispering 音フェチ