The Three Bears ASMR Story Time

发表 6年前

Story Time!!
Softly reading to you "The Three Bears"
I hope you enjoy. ♥
This is the first of many in my new Story Time Series!
I wanted to start off with something simple!
I have a lot of children’s books, pop up books, poetry, and other fun filled books!
So stay tuned for more like this!
• Also, I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on which portion of the video was more relaxing for you. The beginning, with soft spoken reading or towards the end with super soft whispering. 🙂
I’ve always wanted to create my own children’s book.
That’s a goal I plan to start working on sometime this year! 🌻🤗

What’s been up lately? 🙂
• I believe this is video #98
Which means only 1 more video until it’s time to share with you my 100th Episode Celebration!!!🎉🎊🎉🎊
The 100th episode is sort of a bigger project for me, so I really want to make sure I take the time to make it awesome for everyone!

I want to thank all of you!!
Your endless support and positivity really makes this whole journey a fun and wonderful ride!
Until next time! -Prim🌼


asmr ASMR Reading asmr reading to you asmr soft spoken asmr story time asmr whispering bedtime reading Bedtime Story blue yeti asmr children's books children's stories prim prim asmr primie primieprimprim reading you to sleep relaxing sleepy time stories soft reading softly whispering story books the three bears
