I hope you enjoy this aesthetic. With September starting I am beginning to feel some autumn vibes in the air. Please subscribe and visit my other channel.
If you would like to donate to support this channel. $5 will get a thank you postcard with my art (please include address in your note). Thank you so much: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=C22SDKT3RMHK4
Have a beautiful and relaxing weekend.
Tip Jar Paypal: [email protected]
Art Youtube Channel: Corona Fine Art
Website: Coronafineart.com
aestheticasmr asmrroleplay personalattention autumnasmr crinklesasmr facetouchingasmr fantasyasmr fantasyroleplayasmr inaudiblereading inaudiblewhispering lovepotionasmr magicroleplay mouthsounds nailsasmr naturalnailsasmr natureASMR naturesounds potionambiance potionasmr potionsoundsasmr spellsasmr TappingASMR unintelligiblereading UnintelligibleWhispering watersounds watersounsasmr whispersasmr wildwomanasmr witchasmr witchrolepay witchyasm