ASMR whispered video showing you my collection of ty fuzzy items while chewing gum. Tapping, mic touching, and some crinkles as well.
Enjoy and thanks so much for watching, subscribing, commenting, liking, sharing, and spreading love and light 💕💖♥️
asmrgumchewing anxiety asmr ASMRChewing ASMRChewinggum asmrchewingsounds asmrgumchew ASMRMouthSounds Asmrwhispering calm calming cards Chew chewing chewinggum Collection crinkles crinkly depression fluffy fuzzy gum gumchew gumchewing haul insomnia Micscratching mictouching mouthsounds MouthsoundsASMR relax relaxing Satisfying scratching showandtell soothing tags tapping tappingontags tingles tingly tongueclicking tongueclicks upclose whisper whispered whisperedasmr whisperedvideo whispering