Hi 👐🏼 This video is about hand movements and mouth sounds like tongue clicking, sksk, trigger words, etc... I hope you enjoy this video ☺️
If you are new to this channel and you like this video please consider subscribing ❤️ i post every day to help you get tingles ✨
#handmovements #mouthsounds #asmrtingles #asmrtriggerwords
🌙 Playlist for all my other trigger word videos: https://bit.ly/2X7Sq9n
✨ This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR/tingles/chills inducing purposes.
✨ What is ASMR? The purpose of ASMR is to relax people. The ASMR community is constantly growing on Youtube. Ideally, ASMR videos are meant to give the viewer a relaxing tingle at the back of their head and/or spine. ASMR videos usually involve one or more of the following things:
• Gentle whispering
• Relaxing hand movements
• Smacking of the lips
• Nail tapping/scratching on hard surfaces such as tables
• Brushing sounds
• Etc.
asmr camera touching ASMR Tingles asmr tongue clicking camera touching hand movements hand movements and mouth sounds Hand Movements ASMR hand movements trigger words hand movements whispering mouth sounds Mouth Sounds ASMR tingly asmr tongue clicking tongue clicks trigger words Trigger Words ASMR