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or by clicking here: http://bit.ly/2e73q0Y
•Follow my beauty/lifestyle channel: http://bit.ly/2tMRNnC
•Email me: [email protected]
For those of you asking for my skin care routine!
In this ASMR video:
Here are the questions from the video (got these from Karuna Satori and this whole tag):
1. When was the first time you experienced ASMR?
2. When was the first time you watched ASMR on YouTube?
3. What’s your favorite unintentional ASMR video?
4. Name the last five ASMRtists that you watched.
5. What is your favorite ASMR trigger to listen to?
6. What is your least favorite trigger to listen to? (Do it!....)
7. Do you use ASMR to relax or fall asleep?
9. What is your bedtime routine?
10. What is your favorite trigger to do? (Do it!)
11. What is your least favorite trigger to do? (Do it!)
12. How long does it take you to make a video?
13. Have you ever gotten tingles from your own videos?
14. What software do you use to edit?
15. What time of the day do you film?
16. What is your favorite video that you’ve made?
17. Have one of your videos had an unexpected negative fan reaction?
18. What video of yours, do you think, didn’t get the love you think it deserved?
19. What’s something the audience doesn’t know about the behind the scenes of your channel?
20. What’s the most absurd request you’ve ever received from a fan?
21. Do your family and friends know you make ASMR videos?
22. Have you ever been recognized in public?
23. What inspires your video ideas?
24. Where do you find yourself spending the most time online?
25. What advice would you give someone wanting to make their own ASMR content?
Watch my most recent video from my beauty/lifestyle channel:
anxiety anxious asmr bedtime depression gentle whispering gwen giz hypnosis inaudible karuna karuna satori lily lily whispers lilywhispers questions relax relaxation satori Sensation sleep Sleeping tag tesla asmr tingle tingles trigger triggers whisper whispering whispers red