Happy FRIDAY THE 13TH Everybuddy!
Special Thanks & Huge Shout out & much respect and appreciation sent to Tom Savini!
My family and I have enjoyed these films for as long as I can remember, so what better day to have an appreciation video other than Friday the 13th!?
I hope all of you who enjoy Halloween Time and Horror films will get a kick out of this!
I hope you lovely people have a lovely night. ♥
🌹 If you would like the option to help support my channel, and also have a chance to see more of what I do and love, here is a link to my patreon.
🌹 If you would like to follow me on Instagram, here is a link for ya!
I hope you all have a wonderful evening and a relaxing night of sleep!
Until next time!
2018 asmr asmr community asmr ear to ear whisper asmr friday the 13th asmr merchandise asmr talking asmr tapping asmr whispering asmrtist ear to ear film appreciation friday 13th asmr friday the 13th happy friday Horror ASMR horror films jason voorhees jason voorhees appreciation prim asmr primieprimprim relaxing asmr scary movies Soft Spoken ASMR tom savini