Greetings & salutations, strangers :) FIRSTLY, the volume is very low because I'm filming with my phone so you will have to turn it up quite a bit. Be warned, however, that at around 04:45, I shuffle the cards on a wooden table that is quite loud so you may want to turn it down for that. While filming the shuffling doesn't seem loud and my voice sounds loud but it does not translate in the audio.
Thank you to my patron saint, Elad Avni, for this video idea~ a little tarot reading with a full Celtic Cross spread. I really enjoyed the outcome of the cards and I think it was a good spread for not only myself but y'all as a whole.
I hope y'all enjoy, and have a whale of a day! :)
xx Calliope
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♦ Check me on the socials:
Twitter: @calliopewhisper
Instagram (my personal account that I rarely use, no ASMR content): calliope182
♦ I use the Blue Yeti microphone & a Flip camcorder to record & film ASMR videos!
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♦ Thanks for watching, have a whale of a day! :)
#ASMR #RP #lofi
asmr cards divination for sleep lofi reading relaxation relaxing roleplay rp shuffling soft speaking soft spoken tapping tarot tingle tingly