For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: "You shall love your neighbour as yourself." ~ Galatians 5:14
02:00 plastic gloves
03:00 personal attention hand movements
08:40 oil bottle and dropper sounds
09:29 oil on gloves
12:13 gloves come off / bible verses
20:00 quiet time
21:19 oil bottle sounds
22:42 oil on hands
23:27 unintelligible whispers and hand movements
25:00 lip gloss sounds
Soft spoken, whispers, deep ear whispering, mouth sounds, meditation, relaxation
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What I use:
- Oppo R15 front camera
- Blue Yeti USB Microphone
- Open Camera app
- USB to phone adaptor
- Canva free app for thumbnail editing
DISCLAIMER: This video is not intended to treat, or replace any required professional care, medication, or therapy. The use of ASMR in the context of treatment is still in the early stages of research. While it may be of benefit to you in conjunction with other treatments, ASMR in itself should not be used as a primary method of treatment.
#asmr #christianASMR #aussie
asmr christian asmr