so in todays video I perform a lot of ASMR tests including, visual tests, hearing exams, soft or dull and plenty of others too 😌
I also kind of took on a bit of an accent too. honestly, I wanted to do todays video in a full blown role play. I had an accent picked out and a clueless character I wanted to play as too.
obviously I only let a little of that come out 🫢
I’m a little shy when it comes to stuff like that 😅 let me know if I should have done it??
anyways, enjoy the tests and my little accent change.
I hope you sleep well 🫶🏻
please consider donating to this virtual food drive I set up 🤝 only if you can
We’ve raised over $2,000 !! 🥳
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rebeccas.asmr?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@asmrrebecca?_t=8fpWBv7nbfW&_r=1
***disclaimer: I make ASMR for entertainment purposes only. This video should not be used in replacement of any medical treatment. I am not a licensed medical professional. ***This video may contain flashing lights.
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/asmrebecca 🌱
Business email: [email protected] 🗣