ASMR - Astronomy book reading

发表 7年前

Hello people !

Interested in learning more about the universe ? 🌌

In this video, I present you this astronomy book I've had for some years now : Catalogue of the universe. We flip all the pages and stop from time to time to look at the picutres, or to ready interesting parts about the milky way, the sun, the moon, Tycho's star and the horsehead nebula.

Here are some useful timings for you :
3:18 : The book summary
7:44 : The universe of galaxies
17:47 : Our galaxy : the milky way
20:56 : Stars and nebulae
26:09 : The horsehead nebula
31:02 : Tycho's star, or Tycho's supernova
37:50 : The sun
47:04 : The moon

ASMRachael gave me the idea of doing this video with her ASMR astronomy book video, you can go check it out here :

You can find this book secondhand rather easily I think, if you wish to read it :

I hope you enjoyed the video, please let me know what kind of videos you would like to see next in the comment section.

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Instagram : BehindTheMoons

Thank you !


asmr astronomy asmr astronomy book asmr astronomy book reading asmr book reading asmr french accent asmr page turning ASMR Reading astronomy astronomy book behindthemoons BTM catalogue of the universe educational book french accent horse head nebula horsehead nebula relaxing soft speaking tycho star tycho's star tycho's supernova
