ASMR Asking You 100 Personal Questions (GAME) [writing sounds + soft m'hm's]
Hi friends, tonight I want to, nay, NEED to get to know you better! So I came up with this game! In tis video I ask you 100 personal questions and for every question you are comfortable enough to answer in the comments I have to answer it as well in the replies! So we all get to know each other a little bit better! I am very excited and eager to talk to you all! Thank you so much for spending time of your day with me and I love you all so so much! ❤️❤️❤️
🎁 Tip Jar:
While it is greatly appreciated, please never feel pressured to give, your love and support and the fact that you're choosing to spend a little bit of time with me during the day is more than enough and for that I am eternally grateful! ❤️❤️❤️
🎆Triggers in this video:
- clicky whispering
- soft speaking
- soft mhm sounds
- writing sounds
- page turning
- mouth sounds
- hand movement
#asmrpersonalquestions #asmraskingyouquestions #asmrwritingsounds
asking asmr asmr asking you 100 personal questions asmr asking you 100 questions asmr asking you personal questions asmr asking you questions asmr mhm sounds asmr page turning asmr personal attention asmr personal questions asmr questions asmr sounds asmr writing and page turning asmr writing sounds interview questions and answers personal personal development personal questions asmr questions sleepy soft spoken soft spoken soft whispering asmr sounds writing