ASMR Reiki Cleansing Your Home/Clearing Negative Energy/Spiritual Cleaning Chat with a Reiki Master

Reiki with Anna
发表 4年前

Hello Everybody,

Welcome to my Channel! I hope you’re all doing ok. Sending you so much love and support as always. This video was requested a few times by you! Then this morning I noticed that another one of you requested it again, which I just love :) It makes me so happy when you mention something in the comments that I’m working on or request a video I’m in the process of editing. It convinces me even further of the connection we have curated here.
This video is all about Cleansing Your Home. There are so many ways of doing this, and I wanted to just touch on some basic ideas I like to work with when I’m doing a general clearing of my space. I’d love to hear any rituals you practice when clearing your home of unwanted energy. It’s so fun to learn what practices work for different people.
I use a few different tools in this video that hold particular value to me. There is the owl rattle that reminds me of my mom. Also, my Nana has had this Abalone shell for ages, and a few years ago she gave it to me. It has a lot of sentimental value. I think having little tools that feels meaningful to you when you’re building your sacred tool chest is really helpful to connect to your personal practice and make it your own :)
I was so happy to create this video. It’s a little bit different, but it’s fun to experiment and explore here. Thank you for the requests which provide me with this opportunity. The comments section here is something I am incredibly proud of and inspired by. Your words are a source of comfort and motivation, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your warmth and kindness. There was a particular thread on my previous video that inspired the most beautiful response from you. Someone was going through something very difficult, and you all were so supportive and loving. It made me tear up when I read her brave comment followed by all of your wonderful remarks following. I just love you all!

Cleansing can be a powerful way of bringing awareness to what we no longer want in our lives. Sometimes all it takes is the invitation to clear something, and we realize the weight of a belief, thought or feeling that we seemed to be clinging to. I find that carving out a healthy dialogue about what I am holding onto allows me to make conscious decisions about what to hold in my conscious mind and what to release.

**If you are interested in booking a session with me or checking out the services I offer (I offer Distance Reiki Sessions) here's a link to my website:

As always ANY of your requests are so incredibly welcome!
It is a wild time right now, and I know some of you want a sense of normalcy within the mayhem. So I will probably be creating a few videos for your individual requests that are unrelated to our current situation. We all have so much going on outside of this whirlwind, and I want to honor all of that as well. Just know, whatever you're going through, I am here holding that experience along with you, and sending you so much support as you move through it.

I feel so excited about the combination of Reiki and ASMR. I think ASMR is a beautiful compliment to Reiki as it encourages relaxation which is an ideal state to begin this kind of energy work. If you are just here for the ASMR aspect of this channel that's totally cool too! I love ASMR, and I think it has so many incredible benefits, so all are welcome :)

A Special Thank You to Jared McPherson, Blood Angel, Laurie Owen, Noemi Waymire, and Eric Wood :) Your support means the world to me!

In Overwhelming Gratitude,

Here are some other links:

My Other ASMR Channel (ASMR with Anna):


My Reiki Master:
Lune Innate

Aurora by Jonny Easton
Check out his channel

If you are in a personal crisis - please call now 1-800-273-TALK (8258) (24 hours hotline), or 1-800-LIFENET.

I am not a medical professional. Do not use this video as a substitute for seeking medical advice. This is a spiritual practice. If you wish, it can be used to compliment your healthcare regime. It is in NO WAY meant to replace professional medical guidance and care.


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