ASMR 😌 BRAIN MELTING 3DiO Triggers (Brushing, Massage, Tapping, Closeup Whispers, etc.) 4K

Phoenix ASMR
发表 1年前

Tonight, we use all sorts of 3DiO triggers for some intense ear attention tingles. From ear pinching to deep closeup whispers to brushing, check the timestamps to find your favourite! Sweet dreams~

If you like what you hear, feel free to check out my other stuff too, as well as liking and subscribing to my channel, it would make my day ♡

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00:00 - intro with ear pinching and touching with deep whispers
03:20 - ear cupping
08:00 - black box play (tapping and scratching)
10:45 - trigger words (relax, okay, good, blanket, asleep, catharsis,
15:50 - wet lotion massage with bottle tapping
22:10 - q-tip ear cleaning
25:40 - brushes and ear brushing
29:22 - latex gloves
33:58 - spray sounds with tapping
37:26 - cork tapping and scratching
39:29 - toy squishy whale
41:00 - deep ear unintelligible whispers with face touching
43:30 - countdown

#asmr #3dio #braingasm #45minutes #closeup #eartoear #binaural #wet #wetsounds #earcleaning #earattention #lotion #brush #scalp #massage #tapping #sticky #tingles #triggers #relax #sleepy #3D #personalattention #breathe #love #earmassage #deep #deepear


4k asmr asmr 3dio asmr massage brain melting braingasm brushing closeup whispers deep ear Ear Cupping Ear Massage ear to ear lotion personal attention q-tip scalp tapping touching
