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To view more personal attention videos like this, check out this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGlLEYEjYJzstAjqXy2AJwhT6RE7LeOBN
To view more drawing videos, check out this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGlLEYEjYJztDcjdyPPa8X0GtXk4bItHQ
Sweet dreams ♥
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Website (Custom Videos & more): https://jennakaranasmr.wixsite.com/jennaasmr
Instagram: @jennakaran ~ I'm an actress & model as well :)
ASMR TikTok: @jenna.k_asmr
Venmo: @jennakaranasmr
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jennakasmr
~ For custom video payments & donations.
Feel free to donate if you're able & want to contribute to building my channel.
Unless I'm told otherwise, anyone who donates will get a shoutout in my next video.
Thank you ♥
0:00 Intro
0:27 Vitamin C Serum (lid sounds)
1:37 Applying Moisturizer
2:22 Clipping Your Nails
3:01 Tweezing Your Eyebrows
3:45 Trimming Your Hair with Scissors
4:18 Oh yeah! Happy Valentine's Day! haha
4:54 Combing Your Hair (Wooden Comb)
5:52 Applying Concealer
6:39 Applying Liquid Blush
7:21 Applying Lip Gloss
8:34 Applying Mascara
9:10 Applying Perfume (lid sounds, spray sounds)
9:45 Nail tapping / Mic Scratching / Whispering
10:00 Drawing/Sketching You (pencil sounds)
20:24 The Reveal!
20:52 Outro
asmr calming clipping sounds drawing drawing you drawing you asmr gum chewing lid sounds makeover asmr makeup application mouth sounds pencil sounds personal attention scissor sounds scratching sketching sleep spray sounds tapping tingles tongue clicking triggers tweezers whispering asmr