ASMR Detailed Cranial Nerve Exam 1 Hour | Testing All 12 Cranial Nerves

amdea asmr
发表 11个月前

Hello my friends! This medical roleplay is a very detailed cranial nerve examination! You can expect lots of writing triggers as I take notes on my clipboard throughout. I begin by testing your olfactory nerve with a series of essential oils and smell tests. I check your optic nerve with a Snellen chart, pen light, color tests, and some classic ASMR triggers like peripheral vision tests. Next, I check your oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens (all eye movement) with classic follow-my-finger and follow-the-light tests. Next up is the Trigeminal nerve. You have to tell me if something I poke your face with is hard or soft and we test your facial reflexes (there's some layered sounds thrown in here). Cranial nerve # 7 (facial) is where things get interesting, as you seem to be experiencing some facial drooping. But don't worry, we fully test your ability to make facial expressions and we're going to get to the bottom of that drooping. Next, we test the vestibulocochlear nerve with hearing tests. Your glossopharyngeal nerve requires more reflex testing and opening up and saying "ahhhh". To test your vagus nerve, I'm going to check your blood pressure and give a few fun facts about passing out. Up next is the accessory nerve where we will test the muscles in your head, neck, and shoulders. This section has a lot of personal attention. Finally, we test your hypoglossal nerve with some tongue movement tests. I finish up by writing you a prescription and wishing you well. Goodnight my friends!

Time Stamps:
0:00 Check-In (Writing Triggers)
3:21 I. Olfactory (Smell)
8:14 II. Optic (Vision)
23:31 III. Oculomotor, IV. Trochlear, VI. Abducens (Eye Movement)
31:24 V. Trigeminal (Facial Sensation/Jaw Movement)
38:40 VII. Facial (Facial Expressions)
42:33 VIII. Vestibulocochlear (Hearing)
48:52 IX. Glossopharyngeal (Mouth and Throat Sensation)
50:15 X. Vagus (Blood Pressure)
54:41 XI. Accessory (Head/Neck/Shoulder Muscles)
58:07 XII. Hypoglossal (Tongue Movement)


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