Jade Rivers

Jade Rivers

已创建 4,060 107,126 21 美国
Hey all ❤️

ASMR and coffee are my passions ☕️
Sweet and 25 💕

I’m so glad you found my channel! Here, I focus on creating relaxing and fun ASMR experiences to help you feel at peace. Welcome to my little ASMR corner, made to help you recharge and feel great ✨


💗 Jade Rivers 是一位拥有超过 4,060 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Jade Rivers 于 1年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 107,126 次观看量的 21 部 ASMR 视频。Jade Rivers 来自 美国。


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