Melange ASMR

Melange ASMR

已创建 58,400 7,389,391 220 奥地利
Hey there! I make soft spoken ASMR videos in an Austrian accent to help you relax and fall asleep, while learning something at the same time. Topics are history, art and languages, all with the visual help of maps. New videos every Wednesday! Please note that I'm not a teacher, and while I do my best to prepare reliable info, mistakes happen.

You can also follow and message me on Instagram.

If you'd like to send a map, you can address it to:
Postfach 0021
1015 Vienna

Please let me know beforehand and note that I can't receive packages.

Icon: 5728371 © Barol16 -


💗 Melange ASMR 是一位拥有超过 58,400 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Melange ASMR 于 4年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 7,389,391 次观看量的 220 部 ASMR 视频。Melange ASMR 来自 奥地利。


asmr soft spoken asmr tracing history asmr educational asmr
