Your Empowering Healer 🔥🐲

Your Empowering Healer 🔥🐲

已创建 10,900 158,804 346 英国
Welcome, beautiful human. I’m Aglaé, a healer. I dedicate my life to giving and receiving Love, in person and through my videos which I see as Art. My mission is to inspire others to invite Love into their life and watch it transform everything about themselves and their reality - because I truly believe that Love is the cure, the solution, the miracle humanity needs.

I practise energy healing in my videos, on 1-1 calls and in person - sometimes through street Art where I connect with strangers. I believe energy healing works regardless of your beliefs. We can not intellectualise energy - for we are IT.

I invite you to experience my videos with an open heart, book a 1-1 energy healing session with me if you feel called to doing so, or support me by sending me a gift if you value my work.

I am grateful for you and I thank you for being part of this world 💛


💗 Your Empowering Healer 🔥🐲 是一位拥有超过 10,900 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Your Empowering Healer 🔥🐲 于 14年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 158,804 次观看量的 346 部 ASMR 视频。Your Empowering Healer 🔥🐲 来自 英国。


Your Empowering Healer 🔥🐲 的所有名称变化的历史记录 :

  • Your Empowering Voice -
  • Aglaé Whispers 🌙 -
  • Deep Chats With Aglaé 🫶 -
  • Aglae Soul Melting Relaxation 🔮 -
  • 🌟 Goddess Aglaé 👑 -
  • Your Empowering Goddess 👑 -
  • Your Empowering Goddess 🔥🐲 -


spiritual guidance channelled message from spirit god message positive message spiritual guidance spiritual message angels angelmessages calming energy goddess message of today leo astrology spirit message god message empowering empowering goddess self development you are strong confidence motivation inspirational channel French accent self worth self love inner power inner strength healer healing energy energy healing
