Once Upon A Tingle

Once Upon A Tingle

已创建 5,230 53,396 22
This channel consists of two people - Fanette & Chloe

Once Upon A Tingle is a story based ASMR channel featuring a few tales, starring characters from different shows / films / book that we love, together in the same story, mixing with our own characters .. and YOU as the main character
You’ll be surrounded by pretty cool people 😀!
We hope you enjoy this multiverse !

You'll find all our series in the playlist section, and will discover every episode as we go

If you wish to support our channel (thank you so much!)
• You can join our Patreon https://www.patreon.com/OnceUponATingle
[ad- free viewing, downloads, polls, members only livestreams, secret insta & BTS!]
• Or through a Payppal donation https://bit.ly/3QyNurZ

Let our adventure begin…

- Director of production
- Head of strategy/planning
- Colour Grader
- Writer (Synopsis, plot, storyline, character Script editing)

- Actress
- Costume & Makeup
- Writer (Synopsis, plot, storyline, character)
- Script Writer


💟 Once Upon A Tingle 是一位拥有超过 5,230 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。Once Upon A Tingle 于 1年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 53,396 次观看量的 22 部 ASMR 视频。


cinematic asmr asmr videos whispers story based stories soft spoken asmr for sleep asmr for enxiety asmr personal attention storytime stories episodes series asmr sleep asmr triggers
