Raising Your Spirits | Reiki ASMR | Positive Mindset | Bringing Comfort

The Lightworkers Way
Published 2 years ago

Hello and welcome to my channel! 🙏✨

In this video I’ll be offering a healing session for raising your spirits and bringing positive energy in a world that currently tries to bring you down! There is a lot of darkness here but affirm that it has no power over you!
Let me uplift your energies and bring healing and comfort! ❤️

Thank You for watching 🥰

To book a session with me: https://thelightworkersway-shop.company.site/products/search?keyword=sessions

** NOTICE: 📝 I will never reach out asking for money or offering a service! I will also never reach out or message you on any social media platform. The links to my TikTok and Instagram accounts are my ONLY accounts. **

** Please note: that reiki is not intended as a cure or a replacement for medical treatment. However it is an excellent complimentary treatment alongside conventional medical care. If you have any health concerns please consult your doctor. **

Instagram: https://instagram.com/rachel_lightworkersway?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lightworkersway369?_t=8bPWvD5qHxe&_r=1

SHOP MY AMAZON STOREFRONT: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/thelightworkersway?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_aipsfshop_aipsfthelightworkersway_9TAQ4P4J9NSBV16DFQYF


I am a certified angelic healer with The Angelic Reiki Association and certified Angel Healer with The Centre of Excellence.

I am also a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master combining Usui and Tibetan reiki.


Music Credits: 🎵

Reiki Music by Moon Meditation Music:



This video was created for relaxation and entertainment purposes only. For more information about ASMR please click the following link: * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASMR

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