Hey guys! I couldn't resist and make a little 3D test video :D I am very busy right now, so binaural videos won't come until April. But I will still be uploading a video every Sunday. :)
Anyways, enjoy the 3D sound as I crinkle, tap, cut and whisper from ear to ear.
There will be a "real" binaural test video in a few weeks. I want it to be reeeeeeally long, which is why I won't be able to make it until I'm less busy. So, this little test is for the meantime ;) I hope you enjoy it!
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3D anxiety asleep asmr ASMRrequests autonomous binaural binaural test bob body Brain cranial ear face Falling fastASMR feather feeling female gentlewhispering haircut hand head heather hypnosis insomnia Makeup massage melt meridian Mind nerve paint panic play pleasurable pleasure relax relaxation response role roleplay ross scratching Sensation sensory sleep Sleeping soft sound spoken tapping therapy thewaterwhispers tingle tingles to trigger triggers voice whisper стресс